Topic and Travel System

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Topic and Travel System  Empty Topic and Travel System

Post by Admin Mon Jul 13, 2020 4:38 pm

When creating a thread, it is encouraged (not required) to use topic tags in the description via [BRACKETS]. This will let others know what to expect when entering the thread. Multiple tags can be used depending on the circumstances. On Modern Age, role-play topics can be divided into the following types:

Social: Threads in which the main objective is for characters to socialize. Note that combat can be introduced in a topic intended to be social by another player unless [NO COMBAT] is specified (the [NO COMBAT] tag MUST be present in a thread in which a character without an approved arsenal is present).

Plot: Threads that are created with the purpose of progressing a character's story/plot arc. They can be primarily social or have a heavy emphasis on combat, but these are always geared toward a certain point in the character's timeline. That said, these are heavily steered by the topic creator, but if others enter the thread they can change the outcome or the means by which the OP's character reaches the end goal. This tag is typically used in conjunction with another (e.g. [SOCIAL - PLOT], or [COMBAT - PLOT]), but can be used alone.

Spar: As the name implies, there are threads in which characters have a friendly sparring match. When this tag is used, techniques that are extremely likely to kill or maim the opponent should not be used without the other player's consent. However, just because it's marked as a spar does not mean that your character cannot die unless the [NO DEATH] tag is used. If a technique that is strong enough to kill on impact hits its mark, the target will die if they have no way of preventing it. Maiming can also be prevented if [NO DEATH/NO MAIMING] is present. That said, using those techniques in a spar is typically frowned upon and will likely result in both OOC and IC repercussions.

Combat: Unlike spars, topics with the [COMBAT] tag are no-holds-barred threads in which death is likely a very real possibility depending on who is involved. If all parties involved are of the same affiliation and within a safe zone, the [NO DEATH] tag can be used.

Mission/Classified Mission: As the name implies, these are mission topics. In order for it to qualify as a mission topic, you need to have your mission objective approved by staff in the appropriate section. Missions are jobs, and as such there will always be at least one objective that the character(s) will have to meet in the topic. There are all kinds of missions, not all requiring combat, so there is something for all kinds of role-players.

Training: As the name implies, there are threads dedicated to a character's training. Training is not a necessary activity on this site, but you're welcome to roleplay training if you'd like!

Event: As the name implies, these are threads that are created for / in conjunction with an event.

*[NO DEATH] - If this tag is used, anything that would have typically resulted in death simply results in a K.O. Can be extended to [NO DEATH/NO MAIMING] to prevent extreme injuries to any of the parties involved as well. You CANNOT have [NO MAIMING] as a standalone tag - it doesn't make sense to disallow maiming but allow death. The only locations that currently allow this tag are the Lands of Fire, Waterfall, and Grass. Faction safe zones will count, as well. Anywhere else, you cannot create a No Death topic, and the tag must be on the thread at the start.

Travelling Rules

Individuals can choose to travel to other villages for various reasons. They can choose to travel for personal gain, missions, or simply just for seeing the shinobi world. On Modern, there is a short process for traveling to occur, to avoid confusion and simplify the process. To ensure the safest journey to another village a few guidelines have been implemented for individuals to follow when they travel.

1. Permission to travel from the Kage must be received OOC (out of character). An IC thread can be done as well to get permission. If permission is not received and the individual(s) travel, they will be labelled as missing-nin and/or retrieved by the ANBU.
2. Genin cannot travel alone and must travel in at least groups of two.

To proceed with the travel process after permission is received from the Kage of your village, you must post your travel thread in the border of the country you are travelling from. For example, if you wish to travel to star from snow, you must post in the 'travel' forum. Travel topics are always open to be invaded based off the danger level you can be knocked out or even die. Your travel thread must be at least 600 words long for the travel to be valid. After traveling you must wait 12 hours before posting in the destination area.

In the case of illegal travel, the ninja has to wait at least 12 hours before posting in the destination area. This gives the ANBU as well as other ninja from the village a chance to intervene (see below). If no attempt to intervene has been made after 12 hours, the illegally travelling ninja may post in the destination village/country; this closes and ends the travel topic, and prevents anyone from further trying to intervene.

Now, sometimes you have some unfinished business somewhere but have to leave urgently. We allow you to tie up loose ends in a new thread with the people you had to leave. You are allowed two 'Flashback' threads at one time, regardless of location (it must be specified in the topic title that it is a Flashback) at once. Flashbacks are typically expounding upon already-existing or implied events. Due to their nature of being in the past, they may not be Training topics, they cannot be intervened, and character deaths cannot occur in them. (That being said, one can post any number of Flashbacks in the country they are in, as a form of telling the story in a different time period. These are treated like regular topics, with the exception of always being No-Kill.)

Green Zones-Means you can make private Threads.

Yellow Zones- Means you can be knocked out.

Red Zones- Means you can be killed

Orange Zones-Means you can be attacked by Players, NPCS, and even at time creatures such as Bijuu.


Open and Private Threads

As the name would imply, “Open” threads are open to the public. Anyone may post in these without prior permission or valid reason (although it is always good manners to ask those involved before barging in). These threads have certain benefits (i.e. you can bring as many of your friends or acquaintances to join the fun without limitation), but their own risks as well (i.e. Open threads offer zero protection from invasions or potential threats).

Private threads are traditionally the most common classification of thread used by members. It allows the members explicated in the title [mandatory] a great deal more privacy and control over the setting in which they write, making this thread type ideal for personal plots. Unlike open threads, external parties must be permitted to enter the thread by all parties currently involved in the thread. Any objections to what could be considered an illegal entry must be reported before your next post. If you continue to rp without reporting the incident all rights to object are forfeit. If permission is not granted by all parties involved, the only means of entering such a thread is invasion.
Village : Topic and Travel System  Kakume10
Village Rank : Topic and Travel System  111gg710 Posts : 140
Exp : 257

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