Uirusu-Six Tailed

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Uirusu-Six Tailed Empty Uirusu-Six Tailed

Post by Admin Thu Jul 30, 2020 4:41 am

Uirusu-Six Tailed Gengar___commission_by_soupandbutter-d3jtlrm

Bacteria Release (菌遁, Kinton) is an advanced nature , created through the simultaneous use of earth, water and yang-based natures to produce bacteria, viruses and other forms of single-celled organisms. Like Wood Release, bacteria can be produced anywhere, including the users own body as their chakra is converted into a source of life.With the powers of Bacteria Release, the user can create bacteria and other single-celled organisms by converting their own chakra into cells as well as manipulating pre-existing single-celled organisms that exist in the environment. As many bacteria possess extreme adaptive abilities, they can be found in many different forms in all kinds of environments, including the heat from boiling hot springs, extreme pressures and even within the human body. The user has no shortage to bacteria to manipulate, requiring almost chakra to use. Unique bacteria also produce many different substances, such as polymers, ice, and even produce metals such as gold. As bacteria have the ability to produce nearly anything up to the imagination, this gives the user an extreme degree of flexibility and it is one of these traits that Bacteria Release is often considered one of the most versatile elements in the shinobi world.

Beginner Jinchuuriki-This is the symbiotic relationship between the Jinchuuriki and the Bijuu in its most simple form. In many cases, users may go on not even knowing what power they possess inside of themselves. Still, this user boasts and augmented chakra supply. While the Bijuu's chakra rests deep inside, the actual understanding and ability to use it is limited here.
Chakra supply is increased to 50% that of a normal shinobi.

Novice Jinchuuriki After reaching the level of Novice Jinchuuriki, the Jinchuuriki is capable of utilizing the Jigoku no tori to disrupt their chakra flow in order to end the effects of Genjutsu, regardless of rank. The Jinchuuriki is also capable of faintly feeling the presence of other chakra signature within a fifty meter radius; this allows the user to recognize when they are, or are not, alone. This does not allow them to “track” the signature, however; they’re simply aware that it’s there, and have a rough idea of where it’s coming from.

The most prominent feature of being the Jigoku no tori's Jinchuuriki is the absolute defense it offers. Forged from the Jigoku no tori’s will, this moderate-sized clot of Bacteria reacts to any and all form of danger, immediately shielding the Jinchuuriki. Being a creation of the Bijuu, rather than the user, this shield actives against attacks even the user cannot see (whether it be because of speed, or simply the attack being invisible). This defense is not impenetrable, however. Though quick, it can be bypassed by speeds exceeding 40% that of your average shinobi; furthermore, high-impact and incredibly powerful techniques are able to overpower the Bacteria and strike the user, the user can use ability is similar to how Gaara manipulates is sand, but this is with Bacteria. With this ability, the user can do almost everything Gaara did with his sand like, creating hands to grab opponents, increasing the amount of Bacteria, , creating prisons.

0 Points: Beginner Jinchuuriki. They have minimal help from their Bijuu, and generally have a negative relationship with it. They can boost their chakra levels in times of extreme stress.

10: Novice Jinchuuriki. The Jinchuuriki can make a cloak of chakra around them, with one of their tails visible. Their chakra level is boosted exponentially, and they can manipulate their chakra cloak. Their relationship with the Bijuu is still negative.

20: Intermediate Jinchuuriki The Jinchuuriki will become enraged if emotionally traumatized too harshly and go into a Bijuu controlled state, completely animalistic until their power is sealed by one with both a sealing crystal and proper training.

30: Proficient Jinchuuriki. The Jinchuuriki has come to an agreement or respective state with the Bijuu, and is able to use its power freely, though they have not mastered their connection enough to take a Bijuu form or use a Bijuu Bomb.

40: Advanced Jinchuuriki. The Jinchuuriki and Bijuu have a positive relationship and can intermingle, one taking the form of the other or using the power of the other. The Bijuu Bomb and Form are available at this point.


Form 1 This transformation centers around the Jinchuuriki surrounding themselves with a fiery orange coat of chakra. This occurs when the Jinchuuriki begins to tap into a direct supply of volatile chakra that the Bijuu provides its user; it is incredibly dangerous in the sense that this chakra is as alluring as it is addicting, which can lead to the Bijuu overwhelming the user. This form grants the user increased feats of speed and strength (20% that of your average shinobi). Entering this state also gives the user access to powerful Bacteria bombs, which the user can fire accurately up to thirty meters, and detonate upon contact in a five meters explosion.

Without proper training, form one lasts for a total of three turns and is the equivalent of using two High-cost jutsu. At the end of three turns, the Jinchuuriki has no choice but to progress into form two, as he or she loses control.

Intermediate Host After attaining the rank of Intermediate Jinchuuriki , form one lasts a total of four turns and is the equivalent of using two High-cost jutsu. However, at the end of four turns, the Jinchuuriki may choose to end the transformation, extend it an additional four turns, or progress into form two. Extending or transforming further equates to the usage of a Massive-cost jutsu, and after doing so, the Jinchuuriki can no longer utilize the Bijuu for the remainder of combat.

Form 2 Considered a full transformation, form two occurs when the Jinchuuriki takes on the the more animalistic characteristics of their bijuu. This state increases the Jinchuuriki's size, as well as engulfing them in the Jigoku no tori’s volatile energy, adding a layer of very protective chakra around their body to shield them from some of the most capable of physical attacks. Boasting even more strength and speed than the previous incarnation, only the most capable of shinobi are able of sustaining this form. Those lacking the proper training (less than Proficient Jinchuuriki Level) will attack mindlessly, regardless of who is caught in the crossfire.

In this for, the user gains access to the tailed-beast ball. Furthermore, the user gains access to even more powerful snow or ice bombs. While the range is not increased, the explosive radius of the chakra-forged snow and ice constructs has increased to ten meters. Using the tailed-beast ball equates to a Massive-cost jutsu, while the bacteria bombs equate to two High-cost jutsu
Lacking adequate training, Form 2 lasts a total of two turns and is comparable to using the 4th gate in terms of speed and strength. Upon entering Form 2, the Jinchuuriki cannot shut it off as their own chakra is overwhelmed by the one-tail. As the chakra floods the user's body, additional tails will form; at one tail, the Bijuu's chakra completely overwhelms the user and the Jinchuuriki is rendered unconscious. In this form the Jinchuuriki is limited to simple bacteria, and Ice manipulation (not jutsu, but active manipulation of existing Bacteria expelled from their gut [generated in relatively small clumps that can cause be used to created appendages roughly ten feet long, two feet Bacteria]), manipulating the coat of chakra, and the Tailed Beast Ball\Bacteria Bomb.

Proficient Host Upon reaching the Level of Proficient Jinchuuriki, the Jinchuuriki enters a state of complete balance between their own chakra and the chakra of the Jigoku no tori’s. The user can freely tap into the abilities and strengths offered by Form 2 without the hostile penalties associated with prior use of the Jigoku no tori's invasive chakra. In this state, the tailed beast ball can still be utilized.

As a perfect host, Form 2 lasts a maximum of two turns and and increases speed and strength by 30%. Form 2 no longer puts the Jinchuuriki into a comatose state, but it does consume a large amount of chakra; similar to the usage of a Massive cost jutsu.

Form 3, Partial Transformation The most prominent ability of the Uirusu is the third form, also known as a partial or psuedo-transformation. Only obtainable by a Perfect Host, instead of accessing the standard Form 2, the Jinchuuriki can instead enter this state.

The defining characteristic of this form is being able to transform into a miniature humaniod version of the Bijuu, with it's aspects. In this state, either the Two-Tailed Fireball or the bijuu ball may be used for a cost of x2 High. After utilizing this form, (assuming it was not entered after 3 turns of Form 1) the Jinchuuriki can revert back to Form 1 or their human form.
Uirusu-Six Tailed 0f389651b32635b0074e43cc9dfa657e

Six-Tail Form The final and most powerful transformation that the Jinchuuriki may undergo. This occurs when the individual is able to tap into the full and natural form of the Jigoku no tori by reaching an unparalleled state of symbiosis with the beast. Instead of tapping into the smaller version of the beast's figure, the individual can opt to use a two turn duration to take on the full scale and appearance of the Jigoku no tori's natural form. The Jinchuuriki gains substantial speed, well beyond most summons (considering it's size). It also gains a much larger and far more destructive version of the Tailed beast Ball (x3 High cost). This form costs 2 x Massive to form.[/i][/list]

Village : Uirusu-Six Tailed Kakume10
Village Rank : Uirusu-Six Tailed 111gg710 Posts : 139
Exp : 256

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